Prepare your gundog for the season ahead

Prepare your gundog for the season ahead I’m sure many of us will agree that enormous sense of pride and achievement we feel when our beloved gundogs deliver on shoot days, and how it can feel when things don’t quite go as we anticipated! So, we are here to help,...

The cost of everything and the value of nothing?

The cost of everything and the value of nothing? Dr. Simon Wright explores what we appreciate in our fishing, how we might value it, and the implications for this generation, and the future.  When we consider the situation of the salmon and sea trout and the fisheries...

Thread carefully – amongst Scottish Country pursuits…

Thread carefully – amongst Scottish Country pursuits… The article explains how one proud Scottish company has woven the best of country sports into its new Tartan. Tartan, the fabric of history, legend, and enduring practicality, eponymous with the clans and...

Sourdough pizza with pan-fried grouse

Sourdough pizza with pan-fried grouse Looking for new ways to cook grouse? This tasty pizza using pan-fried grouse breasts is sure to go down as a treat and one the whole family can enjoy. Get creative and try adding other toppings as desired! Recipe x2 persons....

My Glorious First

My Glorious First By Archie Skinner (age 14) The 12th of August has always been an important date in the shooting calendar, but this year it was a very significant date in my diary. I had been invited to be a gun at See Far Hill on Forneth Estate in Perthshire. I have...
Country Sport Scotland
Country Sport Scotland

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