SCSTG and The Gift of Grouse at a Reception at the Scottish Parliament
The importance of country sports tourism to the Scottish economy was underlined this week by the comments of Fergus Ewing MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy and Connectivity at a reception in the Parliament on Tuesday. It was hosted by Edward Mountain MSP, Convenor of the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee and was also addressed by Malcolm Roughead, Chief Executive of Visit Scotland and Sarah Troughton, Chair of the Scottish Country Sports Tourism Group. The event was to mark the end of the grouse season which brings in high value shooting tourists and to highlight the earlier launch of the Scottish Country Sports Tourism Group’s “Game For Growth” strategy. This aims to increase the country sports contribution to the Scottish economy by £30 million over the next three years and will be helped by match funding from VisitScotland to help establish a digital presence in the international tourism market.