Stalkers, Ghillies and Keepers

Scotland’s Unique Professional Guides
Scotland is famed for the professional way in which its sporting tourism is delivered and offered to visitors and has become a must-have quality that mature hunters the world over commonly seek. This is down to the management and experience of the hundreds of sporting providers across the country.
At the sharp end of sport in Scotland are an exceptional group of men and women who have the experience of centuries behind them. Generations within families have followed the footsteps of those before to deliver sport to visitors from every country across the globe. They are men and women of the land, taking pride in what they do to the highest level, always seeking to give the utmost experience to the visitor in a way that is befitting of such an historic sporting nation.
The Deer Stalker
No person knows the fold of the hills and mountains where the deer roam like the Stalker. He knows the swirling winds and how each of them will drive the animals across the hills in a different direction, and they know how to remain unseen amongst the boulder-strewn and heather-clad mountainsides whilst tracking the animal with their client. A day with a Stalker in the hills is an experience in itself as their knowledge and appreciation of the land slowly seep out in conversation during the course of the day.
They can guide you through shadowy woodland and forest also to find medal Roe Bucks that slip silently away amongst the trees and tangled vegetation. They are invaluable to a Scottish stalking or hunting experience and an integral part of Scotland’s hunting and stalking history.
The Fishing Ghillie
Rivers rise and rivers fall and can change their characteristics annually in the floods of winter. But one person knows how the river bed lies from year to year and how the well-known and recently-made changes form new places of protection and comfort for the large runs of Atlantic Salmon and Sea Trout that migrate up the Scottish rivers every year. They will guide you on choice of fly and lure and speed and depth of presentation over where the salmon lie to increase your chance of tempting the King of fish.
They are a master of the boat also, and will tactfully manoeuvre the craft to find the fish holding spots on hundreds of wild Scottish salmon, sea trout and trout lochs all over Scotland. They will save you immeasurable time and will make sure that you catch what is possible on any given day.
The Gamekeeper
Is the keeper of the driven shoot, they judge how the sun, moon, rain and wind will affect the flight of the birds and directs the guns accordingly to their advantage. They work their dogs back and forth through woodland, marsh or over moor with exacting control to provide challenging sport for walking or standing guns alike. Beaters push in straight lines through the drives and flush birds skywards and away on the wind offering fleeting chances for the respectful guns who wait in controlled fashion. The safety of their clients is utmost in the Gamekeeper’s mind along with respect for the traditions of the sport itself. It is an art to be able to present all this in an informal and relaxed way, but the Keeper manages it because they have done so a thousand times before, gaining the respect of all around them whilst building their knowledge and experience. Shooting guests, both familiar and new, feel safe and comfortable and enjoy their classic late summer, autumn and winter’s day with gun because of the skill and respect of this icon of Scottish sport, The Gamekeeper.