Where to get more information ?


What they do

What they provide

Representative body for the 45 Deer Management Groups (DMGs) in Highland Scotland promoting and coordinating the collaborative management of wild deer under the voluntary principle.

Website including map of DMGs and information on each; information on deer species and management; newsletters; guidance sheets; publications; meeting papers.

Representative body for Scotland’s 41 District Salmon Fishery Boards

Outlines legislation and enforcement relating to salmon fishing.

Britain’s largest country shooting organisation, representing and aiming to safeguard the interests of all those who enjoy shooting sports  

News and events listings
Training courses
Contact information
Trade and consumer advice i.e. safe transfer of firearms and ammunition

The Scottish Gamekeepers Association (SGA) represents and unites Scotland’s gamekeepers, stalkers, ghillies, wildlife managers and rangers

Game keeping facts
Jobs, courses and new laws
Contact information

Scottish Land & Estates represents Scottish landowners and works to  promote the wide range of benefits land-based businesses provide: tourist attractions, leisure facilities and landscapes enjoyed by the public, as well as, housing, employment, tourism and enterprise.

News and events listings
Links to information on policy and lobbying

 Tourism Partner Bodies

Scottish Enterprise is Scotland’s main economic development agency and aims to deliver a significant, lasting effect on the Scottish economy.

Its role is to help identify and exploit the best opportunities for economic growth. It supports ambitious Scottish companies to compete within the global marketplace and help build Scotland’s globally competitive sectors. Scottish Enterprise also work with a range of partners in the public and private sectors to attract new investment to Scotland and to help create a world-class business environment.

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NatureScot promotes care, understanding and sustainable use of Scotland’s natural assets to make the most of the benefits they provide to people.   

Local news, information and events listings
Guides to protecting Scotland’s nature and wildlife
Guides of where to go in Scotland to enjoy the outdoors

As a Scottish Government body, HIE’s role is to lead regional growth and development, to seek investment opportunities that will be catalysts for change, and to ensure that the Highlands and Islands derives maximum benefit from existing and emerging opportunities.

HIE can work with businesses within the Country Sports tourism sector that are ambitious, and can demonstrate a desire to grow and contribute to the long term success of this important sector. By joining forces, HIE and its clients can plan for growth, either by expanding their markets or by developing new products or services.

VisitScotland is the national tourism organisation for Scotland. Its main aim to contribute to the advancement of Scottish tourism by giving it a presence in the global marketplace and benefiting the whole of Scotland.  

Information on business support
Latest tourism research and statistics
News and events listings
Information on funding and quality assurance schemes

Funded by Scottish Enterprise

Country Sport Scotland
Country Sport Scotland

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